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Montezuma´s chocolates - etisk produsert sjokolade

Montezuma´s chocolates - Etter å ha reist i SørAfrika og besøkt kakaoplantasjon bestemte ekteparet Helen og Simon seg for å starte sin helt egne sjokoladebedrift. Kakaobønnene skulle dyrkes under etiske forhold. Her kan du lese mer om historien deres. Nå får du sjokolade og sjokoladekalendere hos BeeOrganic.


Populært i Montezuma´s chocolates

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"We started Montezuma's, our little chocolate business, in 2000 with only a kitchen sink sized machine, huge enthusiasm, spades of naivety and most importantly, a broad ideal to bring chocolate innovation to a boring and staid British chocolate market.  With the exception of that first machine, little has changed and the childish enthusiasm we shared exploring South America in 1999 largely wakes up with us every morning (...) Long before we started Montezuma’s, we had already dreamt up the ideals we would run our own business with, should we ever have that privilege!  These ideals became a reality and have stayed with us since the day we started. Over the years, some of the words may have slightly changed but we have never budged on our own principles, which we called Trading Fairly.  We are very proud of our products where substance wins over style, and of our business where sustainable and organic business growth wins over greed. We asked our resident artist, Amy (also to be found helping customers with their chocolate purchases in our Chichester store) to create a board to hang in Chocolate HQ, demonstrating our Purpose, Vision and Values and we think she did it rather well …" Hentet fra